toolchain's output depends on toolchain used to build the compiler?

toolchain's output depends on toolchain used to build the compiler?

Shachar Shemesh shachar at
Tue Feb 9 11:26:58 IST 2010

Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda wrote:
> 2010/2/9 Shachar Shemesh <shachar at 
> <mailto:shachar at>>
>     ronys wrote:
>>     Hi Shachar,
>>     Interesting problem. Here are some thoughts:
>>     Can you control the level of optimization used by the customer?
>>     Does -O0 create identical object code?
>     Havn't tested yet, but my gut feeling is "yes".
>>     What are the differences in code? Perhaps they're related to the
>>     different paths? (If the lengths of the paths are different, and
>>     they're stored somewhere in the object code, that'll change the
>>     results)
>     The question is why should identical source code produce different
>     paths when compiled with the same compiler?
> If the absolute path is included (I think -g does that). The mount 
> point in the two environments may be called differently.
That's why I'm using objdump -d, which does not print the source files, 
and is path location agnostic. In essence, I'm comparing just the actual 
assembly produced.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.

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