Vi and UTF-8

Vi and UTF-8

Avraham Rosenberg for.avraham at
Tue Feb 16 16:16:37 IST 2010

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 09:08:35AM +0000, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> When your locale is a UTF-8 one, (isn't it? If not: fix it), and vim is
> built with multibyte support:

Tzafrir, overall UTF-8 locale may not be everyone's cup of tea for various
reasons. In my case, for example, I got addicted to the Bash, emacs-like
shortcuts for the command like, and I get mad when I press ALT-F, and
instead of jumping a word ahead, I get some non-ASCII character...
I very nuch prefer C as the overall locale, and start a UTF-8 term with

LANG=he_IL.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=C mlterm -D=true -E UTF-8 -T "He UTF-8 mlterm" -g 120x28+0+0 -w 24 -o 5 -bg WhiteSmoke -fg black

whenever I need it -most often for mutt or to edit a Hebrew containing
document, that is for multibyte vim, actually.

Cheers, Avraham
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