Looking for a cheap (and relatively reliable) .us/.ca-based SSH/rsync/PHP/Perl 5 web hosting

Looking for a cheap (and relatively reliable) .us/.ca-based SSH/rsync/PHP/Perl 5 web hosting

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Tue Jan 26 16:38:10 IST 2010

On 26/01/2010, at 16:32, Shlomi Fish wrote:

> I'm looking for a recommendation for a cheap (and relatively reliable) 
> SSH/rsync/PHP/Perl 5 web hosting that is hosted in the USA or Canada. I need 
> it as a backup hosting for my Israeli hosting, which I'm happy with. What I 
> need is:

I'm happy with dreamhost.  It has all the features you want, and if you prepay for a year it's only $10/month.


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