Recommendations for Inexpensive PDA

Recommendations for Inexpensive PDA

geoffrey mendelson geoffreymendelson at
Wed Jan 27 11:13:07 IST 2010

On Jan 27, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> How will he get Hebrew support for the iPhone? How will he sync it  
> with
> Linux? Also he didn't specifically ask for this, but I know when I had
> a Palm Pilot, one of the things I often did was to transfer *text  
> files*
> from the computer to the Palm Pilot - that's another thing you can't  
> do
> on an iPhone.

iPhones have become so common that you can (at least here in  
Jerusalem), go to the local shopping mall and have it taken care of,  
If you want to do it yourself  there are hundreds of websites and  
YouTube videos dedicated to doing it and until they became available  
from Israeli carriers, it was a frequently asked (and answered)  
question on the Israel Mac user's Yahoo list.

I'm sure there were also several Hebrew lists and many websites  
dedicated to bringing in an iPhone from overseas, but I would not know.


geoffrey mendelson N3OWJ/4X1GM
Jerusalem Israel geoffreymendelson at
New word I coined 12/13/09, "Sub-Wikipedia" adj, describing knowledge  
or understanding, as in he has a sub-wikipedia understanding of the  
situation. i.e possessing less facts or information than can be found  
in the Wikipedia.

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