CentOS - libxml and libxslt missmatch

CentOS - libxml and libxslt missmatch

Amos Shapira amos.shapira at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 07:06:36 IST 2010

On 27 January 2010 08:37, Geoff Shang <geoff at quitelikely.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Jan 2010, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
>> Did you install the rpmfusion repo? if not, go to http://rpmfusion.org/ -
>> follow the instructions to add that repo.
>> Then do: yum install -y icecast.
> hmmm. That does look appealing.  Do you think this is safe enough to do on a
> client's system?  I see I also need to enable EPEL in order to use RPM
> Fusion.
> I guess I should also check which release of CentOS the system is running,
> is there an easy way to do this?

I'm not sure what's the relation between EPEL and rpmfusion, I know
that EPEL stands on its own and its premises is that it will not
override any package which is included in the base system (this
includes providing newer versions of existing base packages). So I
think it's relativelly safe.

There are also many plugins to yum (priorities, protect-base) and ways
to include/exclude some/all packages from specific repositories, so
you can practically say "pull only icecast and its dependencies from
the EPEL repository, nothing else".

In our environment, I promote the notion of an internal repository -
we relay on standard CentOS mirrors for most of our deployment but try
to keep a private subset of packages we need from other repositories
so the risk of picking up a bad package version during one of the
hundreds of VM rebuilds we do are lower.


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