Exporting CSV file with hebrew

Exporting CSV file with hebrew

shimi linux-il at shimi.net
Sat Jul 31 23:30:56 IDT 2010

2010/7/31 Ori Idan <ori at helicontech.co.il>

> I have tested google docs with the same file translated using iconv to
> UTF-8 and it works great.
> I still have a problem with excel, my customer claims he can not see the
> hebrew in the file.
> Does someone on this list has access to Excel and can tell me how to tell
> excel the right encoding so it can import the hebrew?
> I myself don't have access to Exccel and thus can not test it.
> I can send a sample file.
> --
> Ori Idan
When you import CSV data in Excel through the Text Import Wizard (Data ->
External Data -> From Text) [1], one the options there is to state "File
origin", which is basically a list of all the encodings Windows(R) supports.
If you tell the importer which encoding it is, and he selects the right
option (and of course , I *think* it should work.


-- Shimi

[1] http://shimi.net/excel-import.png
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