Wireless connection to a remote station

Wireless connection to a remote station

moish moish at mln.co.il
Sat Jun 5 16:38:46 IDT 2010

On Sat, 5 Jun 2010 09:34:06 +0300, Dan Shimshoni <danshimsh at gmail.com>
> Hi, Moish and thanks for your answer.
>> By definition, you just need to connect the repeater to power and >
>> that's it.
> I would like to be sure that I got you right:
> 1) Didn't you made any setup (via the web interface) to the router you
> term "the repeater" ?
> 2) Did you connect the wireless router (that you term "the repeater")
> to the PC (or other router) by Ethernet cable or not?
> rgs,
> DS

The device designated as the repater was configured through its web
mainly choosing repeating option, unique ssid, same channel as the master
mac of the master. I added also encryption and mac filtering.
To access the web interface you need to give it an ip address of course,
but once you are done with the above, just plug it to the nearest power
and that's it, no need to connect any ethernet cables.

The remote pc should search for the repeater's ssid and adhear to mac
and / or encryption keys ( if you are using it at all ).

VERY simple.  The only caveate that I can think of, is one or both
devices being off standard. Unfortunately, this is a trial and error
I searched the internet for actual success stories and bought the same
devices, even though I could find better ones.
As a thumb rule, same brand and hw/sw versions work best ( dah !... ) 


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