[not entirely OT] proper terms for grades of freedom

[not entirely OT] proper terms for grades of freedom

Oron Peled oron at actcom.co.il
Fri Jun 11 03:02:18 IDT 2010

On Friday, 11 בJune 2010 01:34:24 Geoff Shang wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Jun 2010, Oron Peled wrote:
> >      - Or, you've read the file, but it's ARJ compressed and nobody
> >        can read them any longer.
> http://arj.sourceforge.net

It's even easier: yum install arj

However, here's a true story from few years ago (without
names, so we don't embarase anybody).

A very big multinational company needed to reprint old course material
for a client (it was about an old and EOL version of its OS).

Their HR people found it on the company internal servers, but they
could not "open" it (as Win* people describe what happens when they
double-click on an icon)

So, I asked them and they sent it to me. Using "file" shown that it
was an ARJ, containing PowerPoint files (one per course chapter)
written in a *very* old PowerPoint version.

  arj -> ~25 .ppt files -> OO.o -> ~25 PDF's -> pdftk -> One PDF

Sent the resulting PDF for printing, got a huge "thank you" from
them, did the course, life is good.

Now, let's see if you can find a working Exabyte tape-drive ;-)

Oron Peled                                 Voice: +972-4-8228492
oron at actcom.co.il                  http://users.actcom.co.il/~oron
"First they ignore you, 
then they laugh at you, 
then they fight you, 
then you win." -- Gandhi

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