Pop toaster recommendations seeked

Pop toaster recommendations seeked

Etzion Bar-Noy ezaton at tournament.org.il
Mon Nov 1 08:58:42 IST 2010

I have been managing a system based on ispman (well, created and managed),
and it was a wonderful tool, full of features, and worked quite well. It was
very complex, and requires substantial understanding of directories (LDAP).
It was too complex (afterthought), but worked well. I would not recommend it
for managing only several virtual mail domains. For larger tasks (hosting
management) it could do just fine.


On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 6:55 AM, Yedidyah Bar-David <
linux-il at didi.bardavid.org> wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 10:23:34PM +0200, Ira Abramov wrote:
> > Howdie folks.
> >
> > for years I would install qmail+vpopmail+qmailadmin to give a client a
> > nice robust virtual-domains web manager with mailing lists and all they
> > needed, but today I discovered, that after 2-3 years of code freeze and
> > maybe drop of users, courier imap seems has broken the option of
> > authenticating with vpopmail, which means I have a wonderful virtual
> > mail management and delivery system, but no pop3 and imapd to use it
> > with. maybe it's time to ditch this kit and find another.
> >
> > option 1: courier MTA and SQWebmail - not so happy about it. I don't
> > know the MTA, the message store is proprietary and limiting, no central
> > management via web of the users (other than PHPMyAdmin, not friendly
> > enough for my client.
> >
> > options 2: Zimbra. seams like a bit of an overkill but I'm told it
> > works well, has postfix for an engine, and rumors say it supports
> > virtual domains well (though I could not be sure from the confusing
> > admin manual).
> >
> > Option 3: ? Donno... can you recommend?
> I worked for several years with postfix+dovecot+postfixadmin. IIRC it
> was mostly based on this howto:
> http://bliki.rimuhosting.com/space/knowledgebase/linux/mail/postfixadmin+on+debian+sarge
> which is pretty dated, but postfixadmin itself (and the underlying
> tools, no doubt) is still maintained. It's pretty basic but working.
> You might consider trying one of "virtual hosting" packages out there.
> I then did and decided they were either too big or not mature enough
> (or both) and went with postfixadmin which did a rather small part of
> their common denominator but seemed mature. A partial list of the ones
> I then looked at: ispconfig web-cp dtc ispman vhcs gnuhh ravencore.
> Googling for most subsets of them will probably find others/reviews/etc.
> --
> Didi
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