firewall with real IP's

firewall with real IP's

Amos Shapira amos.shapira at
Mon Oct 18 12:45:34 IST 2010

2010/10/18 Hetz Ben Hamo <hetzbh at>:
> * What would you recommend as a good firewall (please, only the ones who are
> being updated and have docs. ipcop for example has old documents and you
> really need to "hunt" for some good instructions. Smoothwall is old [2007]
> and it's not being updated at all)

How about taking a broader look at maintaining your servers using
Puppet (or a similar tool)?

It should not only let you keep the firewall rules tidy but help you
keep track of what's installed, how it is configured and let you
rebuild a replacement box in no time, as well as answering a bigger
problem of maintaining many other types of servers (e.g. the virtual
server host, your administrative server, the customer portal etc).

Back to the specific question - puppet has an iptables module too, and
you can create your own modules for things it doesn't cover yet.


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