What to tell 13 year old kids about Linux and Open Source?

What to tell 13 year old kids about Linux and Open Source?

Uri Even-Chen uri at speedy.net
Mon Jan 10 10:04:04 IST 2011

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 09:48, Etzion Bar-Noy <ezaton at tournament.org.il> wrote:
> These kids are used to these four freedoms, illegal, but works fir them.

If software is not open source, such as Windows and Microsoft Office,
they don't have the freedom to modify it and redistribute it to
friends.  This is a basic freedom in free software.  Of course one can
also speak about the legal issues related to software - copying and
redistributing software legally and illegally.  By the way you can
also speak about copying other files, such as music and videos -
legally and illegally. Speak about eMule and Bit torrent (I use
utorrent) - how you can use them do download music and films, and the
fact that in many cases this is illegal in most countries.  But also
that one can use them to distribute original files legally, without
having to pay for bandwidth and servers.

Uri Even-Chen
Mobile Phone: +972-50-9007559
E-mail: uri at speedy.net
Website: http://www.speedy.net/

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