Die GNU autotools

Die GNU autotools

Elazar Leibovich elazarl at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 00:31:38 IST 2011

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 12:03 AM, Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir at cohens.org.il>wrote:

> (The bad thing is that in some places you use 'g++' directly, regardless
> of what is defined in CC. Not to mention some environments would
> override CC with some other cc)

Indeed this is an error. Happens in four places only though, and trivial to
fix. Anyhow if you'll compile with something other than g++ you'll have
other problems, so it's safe to assume nowadays that users would only
compile it with g++. Remember, I want life easier for 99.9% of the users.
The users of icc will need to test it anyhow, so this little toil is not the
most difficult task they'll have to do.

> And has tons of other dependencies:
Just wanted to make 100% clear that the problem wasn't related in any way to
the dependencies of VLC. I downloaded the binary dependencies provided by
the docs, and they worked correctly. The only problem was with libtool bash
script autogenerated by the autotools.

> Who needs to cross-compile to Windows on Linux? That's a crasy thing.

This actually makes sense, since the support of the GNU tools in windows is
not as good as with windows so requiring the users of gcc to use Linux for
compiling does make sense. Doing that from Mac makes less sense, and doesn't
worth maintaining, so I care much less about this cases.

The overall price paid for not using autotools versus the gain of greatly
simplifying the build process, is IMHO definitely worth it.
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