RMS, Hosts Must Support Boycott?

RMS, Hosts Must Support Boycott?

Marc Volovic marcvolovic at me.com
Fri Jun 10 21:38:52 IDT 2011

[a whole pile of claptrap, including previously written and quoted claptrap, snipped]

People, RMS (as well as any other person) is entitled to support, adhere, acquiesce or abhor, deny, etc any and all BDS activities.

(Some of) Your moral outrage is not a whit less ridiculous that agreement.

The man is entitled to his opinion and choice. It is his right as a man and as a public figure.

Those of you gnashing your teeth - please open YouTube and type "פלדרמאוס באולימפיאדה".


Marc A Volovic <marcvolovic at me.com>                       +972-54-467-6764

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