Tax authorities in Israel

Tax authorities in Israel

Mordecha Behar mordecha.behar at
Thu May 26 20:06:27 IDT 2011

I think it's just your run-of-the-mill Israeli stubbornness. (And I mean
that in a good way).
"MY website is good enough! Why should I change it?"
This was actually the excuse I heard from more than one IT person when I
suggested that they modify their pages a little bit so that they will be
viewable in something other than IE6.
And in some cases I even offered to help...
But I feel for you Uri. I have to deal with many sites like this, and it
infuriates me. One organization (who shall remain nameless) even offered to
buy me a legal copy of Windows rather than make any changes.

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 7:14 PM, Stan Goodman <stan.goodman at>wrote:

> On Thursday 26 May 2011 at 19:01:40 (GMT+2) "Uri Even-Chen"
> <uri at> wrote:
> > Hi people,
> >
> > I recently had to pay taxes to the tax authorities in Israel (income
> > tax). I think it's amazing that the tax authorities website supports
> > only MSIE. I called their support and asked, they said they don't
> > support Google Chrome or Firefox - only MSIE. I'm using Google
> > Chrome and Firefox with all other websites, including my bank, but
> > only with the tax authorities website I have to use MSIE. I have a
> > bug/virus in MSIE and it took me more than an hour and I tried at
> > least 6 times with 2 computers and 3 people on their support until I
> > could pay my taxes. Shame on them! Maybe the Israeli Internet
> > association should do something about it (revoke their .gov
> > domain!)...
> Why amazing? Israel is probably the most MS addicted country on the
> planet. Nowhere else do people look at you as at a lunatic when they
> learn that you are using something "exotic" (OS/2 or Linux). Once, years
> ago, I was told in a Bezeq business office that I was speaking out of
> ignorance, because _every_ computer has Windows. In contrast, last month
> in Kiev, the driver who brought me into town from the airport glanced at
> the screen of my laptop (which does not say "Linux"), and said to me,
> "Oh, you're using Linux".
> There has already been a lot of talk here about efforts to get
> governmental agencies and quasi-governmental ones to loosen up and stop
> acting as though they are a subsideary of Microsoft.
> I've said before that the right address for improving this state of
> afairs is the State Comptroller. That is still true.
> --
> Stan Goodman
> Qiryat Tiv'on
> Israel
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