Linux is ready for the desktop!

Linux is ready for the desktop!

geoffrey mendelson geoffreymendelson at
Sat Sep 17 23:19:21 IDT 2011

On Sep 17, 2011, at 11:08 PM, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> I'm not sure this discount even applies to computer stores like, for  
> example,
> Ivory. I don't think there's any hope for major laptop labels, and  
> frankly
> I don't really care about these (this is a separate discussion ;-)).

Things have changed. They all come with Windows these days. That's  
because if you don't put an activation code in, Windows is a 30 day  
FREE (as in beer, not FOSS) trial version. So everyone gets the free  
version of Windows, and if you pay for it, the first time you boot (or  
any time in the next 30 days) you put in the code and activate it.

If on the other hand you wish to install Linux or any other operating  
system on your computer with or without Windows, feel free to and you  
have not paid a "Windows Tax" as it were.

The name brands, who get a much bigger discount for their Windows  
versions include it, and include it in the price.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson,  N3OWJ/4X1GM

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