extra bytes in zip archive when used with logrotate

extra bytes in zip archive when used with logrotate

shimi linux-il at shimi.net
Mon Aug 6 21:49:12 IDT 2012

On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 9:15 PM, Oleg Goldshmidt <pub at goldshmidt.org> wrote:

> Now, while the problem is fixed I am not satisfied yet:
> 1) I have never had to add -q before: zip/unzip have always worked
>    fine. Why now? The man page does not say anything really
> 2) It is my script that calls zip - it is not called by logrotate or
>    anything: why piping from cat or gunzip (used by logrtate) works
>    fine but piping from logrotate somehow causes the problem? Note
>    also that the script does not zip stdin directly - it zips a file.
Ideas (at no particular order...) :

* Environment variables with default settings for various commands in the
* Aliases existing on some user and not on the other
* Running from shell vs. not from shell (related to above two)
* being attached to a pty / not being (where does output go?)
* a default of a tool may have changed, did you upgrade your system lately?
* stdout / stderr redirections on various invocations

Finally, strace is your friend, you can see how a process was called if you
log strace output.

Also, this could be nonsense, but, I note that your logrotate is with -v -
I'm too tired to think, but maybe the logrotate verbosity goes into the

-- Shimi
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