OT: creating disk image from existing disk for VirtualBox

OT: creating disk image from existing disk for VirtualBox

Mord Behar mordbe0 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 21:49:00 IST 2012

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 9:26 PM, David Suna <david at davidsconsultants.com>wrote:

>  This is somewhat off topic as it does not directly address Linux but it
> does have some relevance to free software.
> I have an old hard disk which ran Windows XP.  I would like to turn that
> into something that I can run as a virtualbox client.  Does anyone know how
> I would go about doing that?

I've never actually tried this, but the following line might work:
dd if=/ of=/path/to/newImageFile.vdi

> Thanks,
> --
> David Sunadavid at davidsconsultants.com
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