HTML Mail (was: Re: Which technology should I learn to do this?)

HTML Mail (was: Re: Which technology should I learn to do this?)

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Sun Jan 8 09:38:21 IST 2012

On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 09:15, Yedidyah Bar-David
<linux-il at> wrote:
> Should I officially give up and declare text email as a thing of the
> past? Should I move to some graphical mail client that displays and
> composes html mail? I tried Thunderbird a few times, for a few days
> each, over the last 5 or so years, and always went back to mutt.
> I see on this list some people that still use mutt. I also have a
> feeling that some of the past users of mutt on this list moved to html
> mail clients.
> I do not intend to start a flame war. Feel free to ignore, give advice,
> share your struggles, etc...

For my personal email I use Thunderbird with text email. Why do you
want to give up on text email? HTML email is the problem, not text.

Dotan Cohen

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