Somewhat OT: MythTV / DVB in Israel

Somewhat OT: MythTV / DVB in Israel

geoffrey mendelson geoffreymendelson at
Thu Jan 12 13:35:29 IST 2012

> as for a PCI card - i don't have an idea, but note one thing: the  
> government made a decision to use a different type of broadcast in  
> their future HD broadcasts, then the one originally assumed - check  
> this before you buy any DVB-T equipment.

Do you have any information about this? All I can find is that the  
number of channels was to be expanded from 5 to 12 and then a few  
weeks later the expansion was to be to 18.

Details were few, they article said the original 5 would remain free  
(as in no monthly cost above your yearly TV tax), while the additional  
ones would be subscription.

The articles I did find said the additional channels may be HDTV but  
the original hardware will support it. The original standard used  
(4:3) 520i, can be decoded with a 1.6gHz ATOM processor, the higher  
resolution standards will require a faster processor. It's hard to  
guess what MYTHTV needs, as you may be able to set it to save the  
video without decoding.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson,  N3OWJ/4X1GM
My high blood pressure medicine reduces my midichlorian count. :-(

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