KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) consulting opportunity

KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) consulting opportunity

Oleg Goldshmidt pub at goldshmidt.org
Wed Jun 6 16:19:44 IDT 2012

Hi everyone,

We (my employer, TraderTools Inc., based in Raanana) are looking for a
consultant that can help us with evaluating the possibility of deploying
Linux (RHEL/CentOS) production servers on KVM.

If you have relevant qualifications, i.e., experience in deploying and
managing KVM-based servers in production data centre environments and
ability to share this experience, please contact our CTO, Baruch Chasid
<baruch at tradertools.com> - off list, of course.

If you know someone else who is qualified feel free to let him/her know.

To remove all doubt: this is a consulting gig, not a permanent position.

Oleg Goldshmidt | pub at goldshmidt.org <oleg at goldshmidt.org>
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