Astrerisk question, anyone sell a cellphone that can be used to make calls?

Astrerisk question, anyone sell a cellphone that can be used to make calls?

geoffrey mendelson geoffreymendelson at
Mon Jun 11 15:54:17 IDT 2012

On Jun 11, 2012, at 3:25 PM, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> Why would you need a data link from them? You could use their data  
> link,
> but the jitter is not really optimal. I suppose your office already  
> has
> a decent ADSL or whatever data link. Why bother?

I would not. What I was interested in, which seems like a bad idea  
financially, was to route all of my families phone calls while at home  
over the asterisk system and have use the cellular modem as the way of  
sending VOICE data (not VoIP) to take advantage of the cheap cellular  
VOICE plan.

It makes no sense in the end because if we all have unlimited cellular  
plans, except for our fax machine, we might as well make all of our  
calls using our cell phones. For the few calls we would make using the  
asterisk system, it's cheaper to pay by the minute with a retail VoIP  

> Their (both Golan and Hot) data plan has no good guarantees once you
> pass the 3GB / month. I would not rely on them for anything serious.

It wasn't for data.

The point is that some of the netsticks allow you to make voice calls  
with them, though most don't. These asterisk drivers use them as  
computer controlled cellphones with USB (or bluetooth) digital audio  
input and output.

>> Even in Israel, all of the modems sold are 2 or 3 generations ahead  
>> of
>> the software and google has not been helpful with information about
>> backwards compatibility.
> I normally have had good luck with using them with relatively recent
> kernels.

Not the point. Beyond the kernel drivers you need asterisk to support  
them as Voice devices.

So far I have been able to use Ubuntu 12.04 and throw all sorts of  
dongles at it. The kernel drivers support them and network manager  
connects with the easily.

 From what I can see, the asterisk drivers are much more limited.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson,  N3OWJ/4X1GM/KBUH7245/KBUW5379
To put it in terms everyone understands, the US debt is over 275  

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