Looking for directions about compiling and tracing OpenJDK

Looking for directions about compiling and tracing OpenJDK

Amos Shapira amos.shapira at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 01:57:29 IST 2012


I have an idea which involves going somewhat deep into the bowls of the
Java Jar class loader when using the official Oracle JDK 6 (and soon 7).
To verify this I started looking at the JDK source code but it's not small
and I'd like to try to trace through it while it executes Java programs.

Does anyone here have experience in doing something like this and can give
me some useful pointers on how to do this?

I'd like to be able to do "gdb java -jar HelloWorld.jar" and single-step
through the class loader while it loads HelloWorld.jar.


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