

Guy Gold guy1gold at
Mon Sep 24 18:32:07 IST 2012

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Shlomo Solomon
<shlomo.solomon at>wrote:

> Tom and Guy - since you both mentioned printers that do scan when
> there's no ink, I'd be happy to know what specific models. And it goes
> without saying that the scanning must work under Linux.
Mine is Brother MFC-J410W , it is an all-in-one WiFi enabled. All the
announced features worked in LInux .
I actually tested it under Ubuntu 11.10 , the way that Brother provides the
drivers, I don't see  a reason why it will
not work under Debian, they do have drivers for the Red-Had family as well.

Guy Gold
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