queue management algorithms

queue management algorithms

Oleg Goldshmidt pub at goldshmidt.org
Sun Apr 7 15:51:18 IDT 2013

On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 2:27 PM, ik <idokan at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a very complex queue management requirements, I need to calculate
> task weight, time restrictions for execution, number of possible execution
> at given time, changes of the data when it is inside the queue and even
> disabling specific task.
> some tasks have very short time to live, and required to be executed
> faster, then others. but it's not a "simple" priority queue.

It is difficult to say from the description, but it sounds to me like your
problem is that of "scheduling" rather than just "queue management". Note
that a "scheduler" (e.g., that of the kernel) will have many queues holding
tasks of different types and properties, and will need to manage all of
them together.

In particular, some of the things you mention sound to me like "real time"
requirements. If you look at, say, the Linux scheduler it handles RT tasks
separately from the "normal" tasks. You may need to do the same.

Another thing that is missing is the target system. A single server? A
cluster or multicomputer? Something else?

I'd suggest googling for "scheduling" and "resource management" (of which
"scheduling" is a component). Apart from things like SLURM and Condor that
Orna mentioned, maybe Maui? There are all sorts of proprietary offerings as

Oleg Goldshmidt | pub at goldshmidt.org
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