Some problems with latex + Hebrew

Some problems with latex + Hebrew

Avraham Rosenberg for.avraham at
Sun Dec 29 08:36:06 IST 2013

   I met of late,  problems with using, with Hebrew texts, some latex commands which work perfectly in the context of English text.
   The first one was some time ago, when trying to make the text flow
around an image (plain Latex). It warked smoothly with English text but
issued an error message when the same commands were used with Hebrew text.
I do not recall the exact error message.
   Lately, I tried to superpose text on a semitransparent image, using the
eso-pic and transparent packages (pdflatex): Worked smoothly with English
text, but with Hebrew I got the following error message:

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex: \pdfrestore: missing \pdfsave

!pdfTeX error: pdflatex: 1 unmatched \pdfsave after page shipout
 ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

shell returned 70

In an attempt to understand what is going on, I tried to define English as
the first language and put in some English text, before the Hebrew one. It
worked allright, as long there was enough English text to cover the first
page, on which the image appears, but balked, when this was too short.

   One can, of course, achieve the desired result, by combining two pdfs,
but I would like to understand the problem -any references are welcome-. I
would also like to know if there is any workaround within latex.
   Are there any good text or other references about latex in Hebrew?

   Thanks a lot in advance, Avraham
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