DVB-T and Linux

DVB-T and Linux

geoffrey mendelson geoffreymendelson at gmail.com
Wed Nov 13 16:16:45 IST 2013

This has been a long standing question and I have an answer. It may not 
be the only answer, but here is one that worked for me with a minimum of 

I am using Zorin 7 x86 version. (It's an UBUNTU derivative).

I plugged in a RTL type USB TV stick and it was supported by the KERNEL. 
I installed KAFFEINE. When you set up DTV, it allows you to choose a 
country, and Israel was in there already. (IL all). No scan was needed.

There are several different types of RTL sticks, the one I used was a 
Terratec Cinergy+, which are sold by the chipset type in a plain 
envelope for about $15 from eBay including postage.

Search for "RTL2832U & SDR E4000"

For those that have to use them on Windows too, the Terratec ones come 
with a bundled copy of DVB Viewer. Of all the DVB Windows software I 
have seen, it is the best.

You can also install the RTL-SDR package to use it as a radio. Make sure 
to specify the option to dynamically unload the regular kernel model 
when you compile it.

Note there is a new version with an MCX connector. I have the older 
version with a Belling-Lee connector.  I don't know if they are 
compatible or not. If you do buy one with an MCX connector be aware that 
unless you buy an adapter, the only antenna you will be able to plug 
into it is the one they include in the package.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson 4X1GM/N3OWJ
Jerusalem Israel.

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