Does anyone use MATE (Gnome 2 fork)?

Does anyone use MATE (Gnome 2 fork)?

Amichai Rotman amichai at
Sat Nov 16 11:34:01 IST 2013

I am using Unity 5.14 on Ubuntu 12.04.3 and I am *very* pleased.

Very rare crashes, easily solve with 'unity -- replace'. Most of them
happen when I switch between displays (Monitor via DVI and TV via HDMI).

It took me about a week to get used to it, but now I feel it will be hard
for me to switch to another Desktop Manager...


2013/11/15 Rami Rosen <rosenrami at>

> Hi,
> I was also disappointed with Gnome 3 on recent Fedora releases. I tried
> using Gnome classic mode but still there were issues. Most disturbing was
> with the JEdit editor. I also tried using MATE, but I still had issues with
> the JEdit editor. So after years of using Gnome on various Fedora
> releases, I switched several months ago to KDE, after years of using Gnome
> 3.  The issues with JEdit are solved with KDE.
> Note:
> 1) it seems to me that launching an application in KDE (from the
> application menu or from a desktop shortcut) is really slower than with
> Gnome. However I did not tried to delved into it - maybe there are some KDE
> plugins which can be disabled, or other tweaks.
> 2) The issues I had with JEdit might be due to that I am not using the
> latest release of JEdit (from my own/legacy reasons). I do not want to
> upgrade from my own reasons, which I can describe if anyone is interested
> to hear.
> Rami Rosen
> On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 12:09 PM, Omer Zak <w1 at> wrote:
>> After reading Ilan Shavit's blog article about his disappointment from
>> Gnome 3 (, I found about the Gnome 2 fork
>> MATE (
>> Before installing MATE on my Debian Wheezy system, I would like to know
>> other people's experience with it.
>> Thanks,
>> --- Omer
>> --
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