OT: Hybrid cars

OT: Hybrid cars

Guy Gold guy1gold at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 18:18:46 IDT 2013

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 6:06 AM, Nadav Har'El <nyh at math.technion.ac.il>wrote:

> In addition to the momentary fuel consumption, you also get in many cars
> some fuel consumption average over a long period - The Prius gives you
> a monthly average, in most other cars you can reset the averaging period
> yourself (so you can measure an average over 5km, or 5000km, as you
> wish).
> My Prius (U.S model, 2008), shows  'at this moment consumption'  and an
average consumption since the last time the gasoline tank was filled . I'm
not sure if it resets only if you fill up a certain (minimal) amount, only
if you reach a certain (low level) of gasoline in the tank followed by
filling it up, or simply any time you pop the gas tank cap off. However,
every time I pull out of the Gas station, I see that the average counter
has been reset.

Guy Gold
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