DBA Needed

DBA Needed

David Ronkin dronkin at gmail.com
Sat Feb 8 22:56:42 IST 2014

Small private internet company in Petach Tikva (http://www.ok2go.co.il) is
looking for experineced DBA full or part time (not freelancers):

   - MS SQL Server
   - MYSQL
   - IT Linux/Win is a plus
   - WEB services & development  is a plus (Apache,IIS,PHP/JS)
   - Out of the box thinking
   - Support oriented

Please responde off the list to me at  david at ok2go.co.il  with the CV
(sorry not pure linux but the trend is to move 100% eventually :) )


דוד רונקין

*נא בקרו בבלוג של*י: http://dronkin.blogspot.com
*הערוץ של מאיר*: http://www.youtube.com/user/ronkinim
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