ITA approved accounting software that runs on linux

ITA approved accounting software that runs on linux

E.S. Rosenberg esr+linux-il at
Mon Feb 10 13:03:17 IST 2014

It may very well be chashavshevet and not the computer that is starting to
flake out, he has to still try stuff, but since chashavshevet are unwilling
to give any form of support on it anymore he is now really starting to
think he needs to replace it...

IIRC I may have gotten it working on dosbox years ago just as a testcase to
move him to linux but at the time he didn't want to rock the boat, now I
would have to see if I can duplicate that again, but that still doesn't
solve the problem if it's chashavshevet and not the computer.

I would love to use a desktop application instead of a website but I can
imagine that unless some body wants to release signed versions of gnucash
that sign the files to guarantee they were only used in the approved builds
ITA won't like it....

Though I'm sure people like Ori who have interacted with ITA and know what
they demand can shed more light on that side then me...

Eliyahu - אליהו

2014-02-10 12:08 GMT+02:00 Udi Finkelstein <Linux-IL at>:

> The question is not if it will run under FreeDOS, but if it will be usable
> under FreeDOS.
> How will you back it up? The old machine probably had a floppy drive. I
> don't think that's a solution you want to stick to.
> In any case, you can always run it under VirtualBox and then backup the
> virtual HD file.
> You can even use the original DOS if you want.
> In fact you can create a disk image from the original HD and move it to
> the virtual machine.
> Another question is if Hashavshevet has a dongle (copy-protection). If
> yes, what type (parallel port?) and how these can be supported.
> I'm not sure you can even find a motherboard with an on-board true
> parallel port anymore. a USB to parallel adapter may not be compatible with
> copy protected programs that expects to access the parallel port via the
> original I/O locations in the PC memory map.
> This may be of help:
> Udi
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Amichai Rotman <amichai at>wrote:
>> Hi Eliyahu,
>> I wonder: Will Hashavshevet run on FreeDOS?
>> Theoretically, you could buy a new machine, install FreeDOS as the OS and
>> copy the Hashavshevet DOS files to it...
>> Could you give it a try and let us all know?
>> Amichai.
>> 2014-02-10 11:42 GMT+02:00 vordoo <vordoo at>:
>>>  Hi,
>>> Hopefully you will get or find a striate answer but as I follow this
>>> question for a long time with no actionable resoles I would:
>>> 1. Rephrase the question to: "Is anyone hear using or knows someone who
>>> uses a linux desktop application (not a web based site) for an IL business
>>> accounting?"
>>> 2. Consider using the old windows program in a virtual machine, it maybe
>>> even better then the present setup, as you can access it from other PCs in
>>> the network.
>>>  *** you may need to make sure more then one concoction is not aloud,
>>> depending on the original software design ***.
>>> HTH,
>>> :-)
>>>  On 2014-02-10 00:16, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
>>>   Hi all,
>>>  I know this subject has been dealt with in the past but since the field
>>> is fluid I'm bringing it up again.
>>>  A friend of mine manages the books for several zedaka funds, currently
>>> he still does this on an old DOS machine running chashavshevet, but the
>>> machine is starting to display some potential signs of problems so he is
>>> starting to look at other solutions.
>>>  Sadly (but understandably) gnucash is not Israel Tax Authority approved
>>> so it's not an option, are there any Linux friendly options or will they
>>> have to have a windows machine in the house again (I switched them to all
>>> linux + 1 dos about 1-1.5 years ago).
>>>  Thanks,
>>> Eliyahu - אליהו
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