Fwd: railsgirls

Fwd: railsgirls

Shlomi Fish shlomif at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 21:17:56 IST 2014

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From: Shlomi Fish <shlomif at shlomifish.org>
Date: Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: railsgirls
To: "E.S. Rosenberg" <esr+linux-il at g.jct.ac.il>
Cc: linux-il <linux-il at cs.huji.ac.il>, shlomif at gmail.com

Hi Eliyahu,

On Tue, 11 Feb 2014 22:02:26 +0200
"E.S. Rosenberg" <esr+linux-il at g.jct.ac.il> wrote:

> http://railsgirls.co.il/
> Pretty cool initiative, how was that never mentioned on this list, or have
> I been sleeping?

I don't think it was, but I'm suffering from information overload, so I
remember if it was posted there. Anywhere, there's been a lot of activity
and offline that hasn't been mentioned on Linux-IL, in part because there
other resources now, in part because there's been a huge fragmentation, and
part because people forget or neglect to announce in all the proper
The so-called "Ruby Underground" meetups are not even announced on the
Ruby-Israel mailing list ( http://www.iglu.org.il/mailing-lists/ruby-il.html).


It does seem like a welcome and "cool" initiative. However, here is my
commentary on the page:

1. I appreciate that the page has a clean and uncluttered design. That's

2. When JavaScript is whitelisted, the page rotates the images (which causes
distraction) and there is no visible widget to cancel it, nor is the "Stop
animations" feature of Firefox able to prevent it from being animated. I
decided to blacklist JavaScript again. ( I tested it with an animated GIF
it worked, but I guess it cannot handle all forms of JS/CSS3 animations -
at least not yet).

That's bad.

3. The logo at the top says "Rails Girls was created in order to give girls
and women the tools to build[sic] their ideas.". Assuming I were a girl,
does indeed sound "awesome", but it's too vague - which tools and which
Will it allow me to build a bike like the one pictured below the logo? Will
allow me to buy a spaceship? Why not get to the point and tell me what you
all about. Show me the money!!! There's nothing wrong with teaching web
development so just say that that is what you do.

That's bad.

Similarly, one of my first bad impressions of
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AngularJS was that its web-site simply said
"AngularJS - The Superheroic JavaScript library.". Fine, you think it is
awesome. You think it's "superheroic". Bleh! Please tell me why! I want to
something I don't know, for example what AngularJS is all about, and/or why
and when should I consider using it.

4. There is no visible contact information anywhere on the page (not even
JavaScript is enabled). The only links are for converting the messages from
Hebrew to English and back, and to the "Get started here" (in Hebrew
feminine form, which excludes me as a guy - possibly on purpose). I hope
are people whom I can get in touch with with this and the rest of my
either here or on Ruby-Israel (where I'm going to forward this message), but
it's still annoying and frustrating - see
http://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/#obscure_email_addr . Note: a usable
form would be better than nothing, but don't be disillusioned that it will
prevent spam.

> (I found it through this kickstarter which I think also sounds very cool
> for anyone who would like their kids to know programming:
> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lindaliukas/hello-ruby even though I
> myself use other languages)

I may check it out thanks - still have not followed the link to kickstarter.

Sorry if the tone of the message was too flamatory.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/

Whitespace in Python is not a problem: just lay out all the whitespace
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Shlomi Fish http://www.shlomifish.org/

Chuck Norris helps the gods that help themselves.

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