How do I debug this (mailman)?

How do I debug this (mailman)?

Amos Shapira amos.shapira at
Fri Oct 10 16:30:34 IDT 2014

mailman logs?
I mean - if the MTA doesn't say anything about this then perhaps the client
haven't sent anything?

On 10 October 2014 23:38, Shachar Shemesh <shachar at> wrote:

>  I'm trying to set up mailman on a new host (transferring my VPS to a new
> machine). This is running Debian. Mailman is set up, shows up in the web
> interface. I transferred the mailing list. I'm trying to send myself a
> password reminder, and.... nothing.
> The postfix logs don't show anything at all.
> /var/lib/mailman/qfils/virgin shows something that looks like the password
> reminder
> Nothing appears in my inbox.
> All tips on the internet say to look for the mailer's logs to find out
> what's wrong, but the mailer doesn't show any logs at all.
> Ideas?
> Shachar
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