Parsing compilation errors and automatic resolving

Parsing compilation errors and automatic resolving

Constantine Shulyupin const at
Tue Apr 21 17:48:55 IDT 2015


Again I am compiling big OSS project for embedded environment and receive a
lot of errors like:
warning: libXXX, needed by YYY, not found
fatal error: XXX: No such file or directory.
undefined reference to XX

Then I look for missing packages with utilities: nm, apt-file search and
configure compilation.


Are there utility, which parses errors and proposes obvious solutions?

For example, following code proposes to add missing library to LDFLAGS:

perl -ne '/.*warning: lib(.*?)\..*, needed by .*, not found .*/ && print
"export LDFLAGS+=\" -l$1\"\n";' < config.log


Constantine Shulyupin
Embedded Linux Systems
Tel Aviv
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