where to buy a raspberry Pi?

where to buy a raspberry Pi?

Steve G. wordz2u at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 09:23:09 IST 2015

I sent a message to sales at Arihav.com, and am still waiting for an
answer... In the meantime, I stopped at A. Even electronics, Levinsky
(actually Matalon) corner of Har Zion Blvd, 100 m east of the new bus
station, and bought all the parts.

I am told Even is the best store for electronic components in Israel. There
are several other stores in the same block, but none had these parts, and
they all referred me to Even.


On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 1:14 PM, Rabin Yasharzadehe <rabin at rabin.io> wrote:

> You can order Online from - http://www.arihav.com
> and IIRC you have several stores on "שלום ציון" next to the New CBS in TLV.
> --
> Rabin
> On 15 December 2015 at 07:38, Steve G. <wordz2u at gmail.com> wrote:
>> While we are at it, I am taking a Coursera course (
>> https://www.coursera.org/learn/raspberry-pi-platform/home/welcome) which
>> requires me to have the following components:
>> 1 breadboard
>> *6 wires with female leads, 24 AWG (or 2 servo cables)*
>> *8 wires which can fit a breadboard (24 AWG)*
>> 3 LEDs
>> *2 pushbuttons which can be mounted into a breadboard*
>> 3 1 KOhm resistors
>> I need to get the items that are in bold - can anyone recommend a store
>> in Tel Aviv where I can find these items? Or a mail-order in Israel where I
>> can specify the specific items?
>> Thanks,
>> Zvi.
>> PS If these places also had the R-pi compatible camera and GPS, I'd at
>> least think about it (and if the price is right, buy at least the camera)
>> for future fun.
>> On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Steve G. <wordz2u at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> You can get a kit from Amazon, and they will ship to Israel if you
>>> choose the right product. The kit includes the hdmi cable, SD, breadboard,
>>> resistors, diodes, wifi dongle heat sinks and possibly 1-2 more items. Make
>>> sure the particular vendor ships to Israel - not all do.
>>> You can also buy direct from vendors, adafruit is one, there are links
>>> to others on the raspi web site.
>>> while you're at it, why not get the compatible camera and gps.
>>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 1:50 PM, Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir at cohens.org.il>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Dec 08, 2015 at 11:13:44AM +0200, geoffrey mendelson wrote:
>>>> > My son has become interested in  the Raspberry Pi after hearing about
>>>> the Pi
>>>> > Zero.
>>>> >
>>>> > I would like to strike while the iron is hot, as it were, and get him
>>>> a Pi
>>>> > he could use.
>>>> >
>>>> > He currently is a Windows users and has no programming experience.
>>>> >
>>>> > He is a native Hebrew and English speaker, but prefers to read
>>>> Hebrew.  I
>>>> > will be mentoring and need English.
>>>> >
>>>> > Is there a Pi user's group or website, etc, in Hebrew?
>>>> >
>>>> > Where can I get him a Pi (the latest version of the regular Pi, not
>>>> the
>>>> > Zero), with everything, .e.g case, power supply, HDMI cable, USB hub
>>>> or
>>>> > cable to provide my own, memory card with operating system, and so on.
>>>> > Basically, a plug and play system?
>>>> Pi board, case: yeah, get from the store.
>>>> HDMI Cable, USB Hub: just get from any local shop.
>>>> SD: Either order, or buy an SD, download an image and dd / cat / cp it
>>>> to the SD yourself (requires an SD "reader", but it is a raher common
>>>> equipment).
>>>> Power supply: A decent one of a mobile phone will likely do, IIRC, and
>>>> those are likewise common.
>>>> That said, there may also be other useful hardware addons.
>>>> For instance, a breadboard, some LEDs, switches and resistors (which,
>>>> again, you could find in a local electronics shop. Hopefully. I did find
>>>> one in the not so central place I reside. Well, except the breadboard).
>>>> --
>>>> Tzafrir Cohen         | tzafrir at jabber.org | VIM is
>>>> http://tzafrir.org.il |                    | a Mutt's
>>>> tzafrir at cohens.org.il |                    |  best
>>>> tzafrir at debian.org    |                    | friend
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>>>> Linux-il mailing list
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>>> --
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Steve
>>> http://www.words2u.net - GPS points and tracks (mainly in Costa Rica)
>>> http://www.words2u.net/recipes - Recipe collection
>> --
>> Sincerely,
>> Steve
>> http://www.words2u.net - GPS points and tracks (mainly in Costa Rica)
>> http://www.words2u.net/recipes - Recipe collection
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>> Linux-il at cs.huji.ac.il
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http://www.words2u.net - GPS points and tracks (mainly in Costa Rica)

http://www.words2u.net/recipes - Recipe collection
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