Hebrew subject text in mutt

Hebrew subject text in mutt

Alan Yaniger alan at tkos.co.il
Mon Jan 5 14:09:06 IST 2015

Hi Linux-IL members,

I'm using bidiv to read Hebrew in mutt.

It works ok with reading Hebrew messages, but not when reading the
subject headers, which still show the Hebrew backwards.

So I wrote the following script caled "bidi_index" to enable reading of Hebrew in the subjects:

echo $@ > /tmp/index.out && bidiv /tmp/index.out

and I added to .muttrc the following:

set index_format = "/home/alan/.mutt/bidi_index %D %-15.15L   %s (%Z) |"

(I tried piping the text directly to bidiv, but I got an error, so I write to a temp file, and I have my script read the temp file.)

Mutt shows the Hebrew properly, but it creates a new problem. The minimum length for the sender's name no longer works. My setting is for a minimum length of 15 chars, as in the index_format setting I quoted above, but if the name is less than 15 chars, mutt does not pad the rest of the 15 chars with blanks.

This problem doesn't exist if I don't pipe to my script.

Does anyone know how to fix with this problem, or does anyone have an alternative way of displaying Hebrew in mutt (which you've checked gets around this problem)?  

I'm using Mutt 1.5.21 (2010-09-15) on a gnome-terminal in Ubuntu 12.04,
with LC_ALL="en_US.utf8".


Alan Yaniger
Tk Open Systems, Ltd
Telephone: 0546-841-481
Skype: alanyaniger

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