[OT] Password regex change on mybills.co.il

[OT] Password regex change on mybills.co.il

Valery Reznic valery_reznic at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 27 21:46:33 IST 2016

Hi, All.
It's not actually Linux-related, but more regular-expression question.Nevertheless ...
Recently I was unable to login into site mybills.co.il
Attempt to reset password also failed due to regular expression test failed.
Mybills claims that password should be 8-10 characters long and should include at least two digits and Latin letters.
Whatever I tried as password - I was not able to pass their regex test.
After a bit of diggingI found following in the https://www.mybills.co.il/js/Validations.js

//var passREGEX = /^(?=.{8,10}$)(?=(.*[0-9]){2,})(?=(.*[a-zA-Z]){2,})(?=(.*[~!@#$%^&*()+-_=])).*/;
var passREGEX = /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[~#%&=\$\-\!\?\^@])(?=.{8,})/;
I tried first (commented out) regex in
 the regex101.com and indeed password with 2 digits and 2 Latin letters matches
I tried the second (active) one- no matches.
Any idea what password should looks like to match this regex?
I tried to contact mybills's support - no luck here :(

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