[RBS] For Sale: Exceptionally Soft Bedika Cloths

[RBS] For Sale: Exceptionally Soft Bedika Cloths

spitkyng spitkyng at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 22:53:40 IDT 2009

I recently discovered an exceptionally soft Bedika cloth in America and will be selling them from my home on Nachal Dolev 

They have a Badatz Hechsher and come in packages of 40 cloths. They are ideal for sensitive skin so it will save you a lot of discomfort. I guarantee that you have not used anything softer and will be most satisfied. If you would like to see what I have to offer, i will schedule a time for you to come by. don't hesitate to inform your family and friends in your area, i think many people can benefit from this.

Price -12.50 NIS 

Adina Samet

Place your orders now.

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