[RBS] Seeking one time help from English teacher for moadoniyot in Beit Shemesh

[RBS] Seeking one time help from English teacher for moadoniyot in Beit Shemesh

engelberg@ieee.org whyvette.e at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 00:09:29 IDT 2009

Please reply to: dina at mbsh.org.il or call 052-5911215
Shalom and Shana Tova
With the advent of the new school year, we at Midreshet Beit Shemesh
are training our new team of volunteers for the moadoniyot we run for
underprivileged children in Beit Shemesh.
We are looking for someone who can give the volunteers a session about
how they can run a regular English enrichment chug for the children.
They need ideas as to how to plan out a year long course, ideas for
fun activities, ideas as to what should be included etc.
The  training session will take place this coming Sunday, 30th August.
The slot reserved for the English "hachshara" is around 13:00 till
approx 14:30.

*Please let us know as soon as possible if you can help out with this
or in any other way.*

Wishing you a ketiva vechatima tova
Dina Ben Torah

dina at mbsh.org.il   or  052-5911215


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