[RBS] gluten free take out

[RBS] gluten free take out

marti winston martirobin2 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 00:23:31 IST 2009

Delicious glutenfree Shabbos takeout food available now.

Are you having a birthday party with a gluten sensitive person or going

out for Shabbos/Yomtov and need to take along a meal or dessert that is

 gluten free?

 Are you just plain old overwhelmed and need a break from cooking for

 your wheat sensitive kid/husband/guest in addition to all the other things

 you are and doing for Shabbos?

I use only Eida, Chassam Sofer, OU, Aguda, Belz, Rav Machpud...&

other (mehadrin) hechsherim.

 (Even if you are not gluten sensitive, you can eat this food as

 regular take out.)

You can email me or call to place your order until Thursday 9 A.M.

 Remember to email me for an updated menu/price list.

 You can pick up your Shabbos orders Fridays from 10am until 12 noon

on Nachal Lachish.

 Special orders for during the week pick up will be discussed via telephone.

 Marti: 992-1859

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