[RBS] Looking for a Challenging Chaburah?

[RBS] Looking for a Challenging Chaburah?

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 15:30:09 IDT 2009


We are starting Maseches Shabbos on Tzom Gedalya. A fantastic way to start
the new year.

I have great things to say about Rabbi Pogrow's Amud Yomi Chaburah.

We meet 5 days a week for shiur from 5:30-6:00 AM*, then review the day's
shiur for an hour. Later in the day, another 45 mintues of review (the day's
amud plus 2 previous amudim, according to a defined schedule).

If you'd like more details, write back.

Aryeh Sonnenberg
'The Land is Very, Very Good' 

* There are several people locally, and thousands of others worldwide, who
listen to the recorded shiur and do the review on their own time, so don't
be scared 

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