[RBS] Upcoming Likrat Kallah event-Miriam Adahan

[RBS] Upcoming Likrat Kallah event-Miriam Adahan

Pinhasik's saddav at zahav.net.il
Sun Sep 6 11:31:50 IDT 2009

Our annual event is going to be held on Oct. 21 with speaker Miriam Adahan
on the topic of "Facing Life's Challenges with Confidence and Faith".

It's a great women's night out with refreshments and an amazing Chinese

We're still looking for co-sponsors.  If you would like to take advantage of
this opportunity to help co-sponsor
(250NIS=silver sponsor, 350NIS=gold sponsor, 500NIS=platinum sponsor)
we would be thrilled.   If you are interested in helping out as a refuah for
someone you know or a segula for someone to get married(these are the two
specific segulot associated  with the mitzvah of Hachnasat Kallah), please
let me know.  The event generates funds as well as interest in the gemach
with allows us to continue helping the many kallahs who turn to us.  To
date, we have helped 750 kallahs-and with your help-hopefully many more!

Thank you-Sadeena Pinhasik

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