[RBS] Tonight-Gemara Shiur with HaRav Chaim Soloveichik, Shlita

[RBS] Tonight-Gemara Shiur with HaRav Chaim Soloveichik, Shlita

Mosdot HaRavAharonSoloveichik mosdotharavaharonsoloveichik at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 15 15:43:27 IDT 2009

Want to attend a gemara shiur which encourages critical thinking and follows the Soloveichik tradition of thought-provoking questions?  

HaRav Chaim Soloveichik, Shlita, son of HaGaon HaRav Aharon Soloveichik ztz"l delivers a b'iyun gemara shiur every Tues. night which is now finishing the second perek of Masecheth Brachoth.

We have a great zchut to have HaRav Soloveichik with us in RBS to share his family's Torah and approach with us-let's take advantage of it!

         Place: Mosdot HaRav Aharon Soloveichik,
               Nachal Maor 27, Ramat Beth Shemesh

          Time: Tuesday night, 20:00 (followed by Maariv at 21:00)

                                    Mosdot HaRav Aharon Soloveichik


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