[RBS] Renewing Your Commitment to Torah

[RBS] Renewing Your Commitment to Torah

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 15:53:01 IDT 2009


Many of us will find ourselves renewing our commitments to Limud HaTorah
over the Yomim Noraim.

I want to suggest one program with which I have much personal experience,
that has solidified my commitment in a way that has become very hard to

Rav Meir Pogrow's "Master Torah" Amud Yomi shiur.

The program is based on mastery of Shas, one amud at-a-time. Rav Pogrow
gives a 30-minute, very well planned shiur on p'shat on the Amud, and then
we review it 4 times for the next hour. Later in the day, another review of
the Amud, and then 30 minutes of review of previous Amudim.

You can learn more about Rav Pogrow, as well as about the worldwide program
at www.mastertorah.com

Rav Pogrow gives the live shiur Monday-Friday at 5:30 AM at Eish Kodesh in
RBS A, then learning continues to 7 AM. There are tens of men, from RBS and
Givat Sharett that attend every day; there are several other pairs of
chavrutot that listen to the shiur later in the day on their own schedule;
and there are several hundred more that do so all over the world. This truly
is a world-class shiur, and you can enjoy it face-to-face.

We are starting Masechet Shabbat on Tzom Gedalya. We will start by learning
the Mishnayot from most of the Masechta, and then immediately after Sukkot,
we'll begin the Gemara. This is a perfect time to jump in and join a group
of guys who have already learnt Chagiga, Beya, Makkot, Rosh Hashana,
Ketubot, Bava Metziya, Ar'chin, and most recently Horayot.

Tehre are two things that do it for me. Logistically, there is just about no
time in the day when I am not "busy"...except for 5:30-7:00 AM. No s'machot,
school meetings, etc., so this is a great way to have a KAVUA seder limud.
Secondly, the entire program is geared, from the style of the shiurim to the
learning schedule, around learning to remember, not just to cover ground.
There is a lot of personal satisfaction in this method.

There are many people who will be joining for this Masechet, and there will
be many looking for Chavrutot. Come by on Monday..be there a few minutes
early. This week, due to S'lichot, shiur will be at 5:15 AM.

Ketiva Vachatima Tova,

Aryeh Sonnenberg
'The Land is Very, Very Good' 

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