[RBS] 4 minim sale in RBS

[RBS] 4 minim sale in RBS

yehudah goldreich yehudah.goldreich at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 13:46:56 IST 2009

Get your 4 minim today.

Big selection and great prices.

Call and order!

Kosher set - 65 sh
Mehudar set - 75 sh
Mehadrin set - 85 sh

Many different types and various hechsherim available.

We will be in the "Shuk" 4 minim (across from teh merkaz mischari of RBS)
during the day and in Yeshivat Lev HaTorah after Maariv this evening.

To order and for any questions, contact:

Baruch Goldreich 054-4469299

Elad Lachiani 050-8741976
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