[RBS] Workshop by Rebbetzein Yehudis Samet on Onnoas Devarim. (Hurtful Speech)

[RBS] Workshop by Rebbetzein Yehudis Samet on Onnoas Devarim. (Hurtful Speech)

Leora Adam gmail adamleora at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 16:57:12 IST 2009

“Sticks and Stones Can Break My Bones and…..

  ‘Names’ can Surely Harm Me !”

  1.. ‘When will you grow up already?’
  2.. ‘Well I paid less’
  3.. ‘Thanks for the gift, but green doesn’t match anything I own.’
  4.. ‘I see you’re nervous.’
  5.. ‘At least you’re great at boiling water.’
  6.. ‘Every time I see you, you’re eating.’
  7.. ‘I heard loshon hora about you.’
  8.. ‘You should have listened to me.’

Have you ever heard yourself making these or similar comments

 to your




                                     business associates…..?

Some comments and conversations inflict pain, embarrassment, discouragement 
or humiliation

Our Torah and Sages give us the wisdom to become sensitive to the power of 
our words.

Learn the Halochos of Onoas Devarim [inflicting unnecessary pain through 
poor choice of words.]

Depending on the amount of women registering it will be 25-35 shekalim per 

For subsidies please contact Rachel on 052 607 4600.

When: Starting from the Monday 19th October for 4 consecutive weeks.


Where: 24/10 Nachal Lachish, entrance through beige gate to right of 

  a.. Scores of humorous and (harrowing) stories.
  b.. Hundreds of examples from our daily life.
  c.. Understanding why we say hurtful things.
  d.. Better ways to communicate.
  e.. How to respond when we are on the receiving end of hurtful speech.
If you would like the honor of picking up Rebbetzin Samet or taking back to 
Jerusalem, please call Rachel at 0526074600 (great opportunity to get one on 
one with an incredible woman!)

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