[RBS] For Sale: HP all in one printer

[RBS] For Sale: HP all in one printer

Shlomo and Batsheva Singer bsheva at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 24 18:43:29 IST 2010

Ok list land, I have this color printer that also is a fax, copier and scanner.  Everything works perfectly EXCEPT it take a really LONG time to print!  When I say a long time I mean a good 10 minutes per page.  so it is great as long as you are not in a rush!!!  It even has a new colored cartridge and a brand new black cartridge!!  It was over $200 brand new (it is about 4/5 years old) and it was lightly used.  So I want to put it up for auction!!  Starting at 75 NIS whoever makes the highest offer by Tuesday night 9pm can have it (or if I get a price that I am happy with I will close it early).  Happy bidding!!!  Again just to reiterate, everything works, except the speed at which it prints!!

Batsheva Singer
Pearls of Joy 
Pearl Importers


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