[RBS] Protest National Parks Policy

[RBS] Protest National Parks Policy

Lichtenstein lightstone at bezeqint.net
Mon Jan 25 11:44:12 IST 2010



As loving  Nature and Eretz Yisrael I  bought a membership in Israel
National Parks, as such I received their bi-monthly magazine and to my great
surprise I saw that there were many FREE TOURS  to members , and they were
all given on Shabbat. This discrimination could be expected in Chutz, but
not against practicing Jews in the Jewish state. I called the Association
and was informed that there was no interest in FREE TOURS outside of

If anyone feels that they wish to express their thoughts about  this
discrimination  they may call the Israel National Parks at 02-500 5473


Moshe and Rachel Lichtenstein

lightstone at bezeqint.net




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