[RBS] Affordable one on one Computer courses available for adults and kids

[RBS] Affordable one on one Computer courses available for adults and kids

jewishman88 jewishman88 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 19 07:52:31 IDT 2010

Affordable one on one Computer courses available for adults and kids

    * Flexible hours available. 
    * All courses taught by a highly trained and experienced post-yeshiva student.
    * Course taught at speed and level of each individual child* unique computer courses offered for children with attention and 	learning issues
    * See below for various tracks offered

Teach your child how to approach the computer with 
confidence and a positive healthy attitude
To sign up and/or more info call Daniel Glucksman: 052-466-6773 or e-mail comp87 at gmail.com

References available upon request. (I am a resident of RBS-A)

Different Tracks:
-Microsoft Office(Word,Excel,PowerPoint,Publisher,Outlook 2010).
-Writing your own Computer Programs(Languages could include C#, Visual
 Basic, C++, etc...)
 -Computer Technician: learn to  build, maintain, troubleshoot, and
 upgrade a computer)
 -Web design: designing a professional looking website (HTML, CSS, PHP,etc)
- Open to other suggestions

First Lesson is Free

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