[RBS] [BS/RBS list] fruit platter

[RBS] [BS/RBS list] fruit platter

Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal hazlucha at bezeqint.net
Wed Jun 2 14:02:59 IDT 2010

I have seen many fruit platters and we even make our own, but nothing
compares to the fruit platters made by Eleanor Sheff
077 400 3939

Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal
BESIMCHA~Service With A Smile
Catering, Party Planning, Arranging and Set Up
~From fun to fancy, simple to elegant~
02-991-0212  ~  077 78 555 11

-----Original Message-----
From: list-bounces at shemesh.co.il [mailto:list-bounces at shemesh.co.il] On
Behalf Of Joel Sussman
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 11:39 AM
To: rbs at cs.huji.ac.il; list at shemesh.co.il
Subject: [BS/RBS list] fruit platter

anyone know where I can get a nice large fruit platter for a Shalom
email or call me please 052-714-1490
Yaakov Sussman


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