[RBS] Clutter Control Workshop

[RBS] Clutter Control Workshop

bysirk bysirk at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 6 13:20:17 IDT 2010


Learn easy, fast, practical and economical techniques for de-cluttering your home.

2 sessions  2 hours each session
Plus a bonus – 1 hour private consultation in your home to tailor de-cluttering techniques to your personal needs.

1st session:  Tuesday, June 8    9:30-11:30am.
2nd session: Tuesday, June 15    9:30-11:30am

Location: Nachal HaBesor 7 apt 8 
Cost:  150nis

For more information please call Yehudis Sirkis at 999-3786 or 057-319-3786.
Specialist in home organizing and management.

*** I also go into people's homes and do the actual organizing. Local recommendations available.

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